What are the deadlines for the Silver Award?
Silver Award Final reports must be submitted no later than September 30 of a Girl Scout's ninth-grade year.
Note: Girl Scouts who wish to attend the current year’s Silver Award Ceremony must submit their final reports by April 1 of that year. Those who miss the April 1 deadline can attend the following year.
How many Girl Scouts can work together on a Silver Award Project?
Girl Scouts may work independently or in a small group of 2-4 Girl Scouts.
Who approves the Silver Award Final Report?
Final Reports are approved by the troop leader or IRM adult guide.
Is the Silver Award proposal required?
No. The Silver Award proposal is an optional resource that Girl Scouts San Diego is implementing to align with other councils and GSUSA Silver Award standards.
Who submits a proposal?
An individual Girl Scout or a group of Girl Scouts who want to get started on their Silver Award project must submit ONE proposal per project.
Who approves the Silver Award proposal?
The proposal is submitted to the Girl Scouts San Diego Highest Awards Team. Feedback will be sent via email within two weeks of the proposal submission.
How is the Silver Award proposal submitted?
The Silver Award proposal will need to be submitted via an online form. You can submit the online Proposal Form here.
When are Silver Award proposals due?
Silver Award proposals should be completed before starting the Silver Award project. It is a part of the “make a plan” step on the Silver Award at a Glace resource.
Does this proposal affect the procedures for the Bronze and Gold Awards?
No, the Silver Award proposal will not impact other highest awards. For more information about other highest awards procedures, check out our website.