Governance structures are part of every Girl Scout Council and are defined in the Council bylaws. The Council's governing body is its Board of Directors. Under the leadership of the President, the Board maintains the integrity and the purpose of Girl Scouting. The Board's responsibilities include policymaking, fund development, and strategic planning. Governance members are volunteers who are elected by and accountable to the voting members of the Council.
The Chief Executive Officer/CEO, the partner of the President, is the employed by and accountable to the Board. The CEO provides leadership to the staff of the Council and manages all operational work within the framework of the Council's goals. Council delegates serve in a variety of positions to support council-wide program, design/deliver training and provide critical support for Council events, enhancing and strengthening Girl Scouting throughout San Diego.
Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax, is the IRS’s primary tool for gathering information about tax-exempt organizations, for educating organizations about tax law requirements, and for promoting compliance with tax law. To request a copy of the GSSD Form 990, please email us to include your name, contact information, and purpose of the request.
National Council Delegates (NCDs) serve as Girl Scouts San Diego’s voting members, which is comprised of ten NCDs and five alternates, at the National Council Session. They engage and gather feedback from Girl Scout members in our council, learn about proposals, and take action to be the voice of Girl Scouts San Diego during the National Council Session. They then bring back information to share locally.
Congratulations to our newest slate of delegates! These delegates were elected by our GSSD Board of Directors and will represent our council at the 2023 National Council Session and serve in their roles until 2025. Check out their remarkable biographies in the Current National Delegates drop down menu below.
Together with our community of champions, we make a difference. See your impact in our latest annual report:
Questions? Contact delegate@sdgirlscouts.org.